15 Most Essential Parts of a Website in 2023

Have you ever experienced that you went to browse a website to get some information or buy a product but you did not like the layout, look, and features of the website?

You came out of the website disappointed, abandoned it, and moved to another website.

This often happens. For any website visitor, the look, structure, layout, navigation, and menu of the website matter significantly. If the website is not structured properly, then the losses can be qualitative and quantitative.

Not only will you lose new visitors but, you will also lose the interest of your existing users. If you want to bring a lot of traffic to your website, then your website should be designed creatively and thoughtfully.

Important Parts of A Webpage

There are some important and fundamental parts of a website. These parts make the website complete and attractive. Taking care of these fundamental elements will not only drive traffic to your website but encourage the users to revisit, engage and act.

It is very important that you design your website with an expert web designing company. You do not create your website every day. It is important that you invest in the website judiciously.

Let us now understand what are the characteristics of an effective website. 15 Essential parts of website are described below:

1. Website Logo

The logo section of your website identifies the brand of your website. It is important to understand that not all websites have a logo. Non-brand-driven websites like blogs normally do not come with logos.

An attractive and well-designed logo attracts users. If we work creatively on the website logo, then the feel of the website will turn out to be unique.

2. Header & Footer

The header stays on the top section of the website. The header contains a logo, navigation menu, and search bar.

If you browse any website, you will see the header. The content of the website comes under the header. However, many websites are now found with only logos and navigation bars under the header.

The bottom section of the website is known as Footer. The footer contains links to important pages and content.

Besides navigation links, the footer includes a site map, contact information, privacy policy and terms of use, copyright information and newspaper subscription, etc.

3. Navigation Bar/Main Menu

Navigation Bar is one of the most important parts of a website. Navigation menus or main menus help navigate the website. It is a set of links.

The main menu is often in the header or when it is found to be collapsible. It helps to move around the website pages.

4. Home Page/Landing Page

The home page tells us about the website. Sometimes the home page is synonymous with a landing page. The page is specifically designed for marketing campaigns and promotion.

A well-structured home page provides a proper overview of the website. The home page is very important for any website.

Users form their first impression or opinion about the website through its landing page. It is important to give due attention to a landing or Home Page.

5. Body (Website Content)

Most of the content of any website is found in the body. This is the major website component where site visitors consume content.

Content can be of various types. The content is produced and included in the website’s body keeping in mind the requirement of each page and section. Content that is relevant and engaging, binds the interest of the user for a longer duration.

You will often find highlighted content on the home page. It guides the users to a different part of the website.

6. Slider

A slider is commonly used in the latest website designs, consisting of a series of images that slide from right to left.

The slider is normally designed on the home page. No doubt, they are eye candy but sometimes affect the speed of the page.

7. Sidebar

A sidebar is a vertical column that is normally positioned either on the left or right of the website’s main content.

A navigation menu, articles or posts, search box, or advertisement are commonly seen in a sidebar.

8. Internal Links

Internal links connect one page of a website to another page. They help visitors to navigate different pages and easily find related content.

Internal links can be either navigation links, anchor links, or contextual links. It is one of the most crucial parts of a website. Internal links serve two purposes. It positively impacts search engine optimization and helps users with content accessibility.

9. About Us/Contact Us

About Us and Contact Us are found on almost all websites. The About Us Page provides information about the company. It should not be too lengthy and must contain the required information briefly.

The Contact Us Page provides contact information about the organization. Commonly included features on Contact Us page are E-mail, Contact form, Contact number, and a small box for the inquiry/comments/feedback.

10. Blog

A blog is considered a very important part of a website. Blogs are articles or posts presented in reverse chronological order. They help in building an online community.

A company can substantially leverage blogs by updating relevant articles about its products and industry in the form of news, stories, reviews, and tutorials.

A blog on the website incorporates features like author name and bio, Date and time, categories, comment section, sharing buttons, and hashtags.

11. Call To Action (CTA)

The purpose of every website owner is to encourage the users or visitors to take action. A call To Action or CTA as known popularly is a prompt or button that encourages visitors to take a specific action.

Some of the examples in CTA may include:

  • Signing up for the company’s newsletter
  • Buying a Product or Service
  • Registering for a webinar or an event
  • Sharing the content on social media
  • Download the content (E-books/Research paper/Tutorial/Whitepaper)
  • Contact the company for more information

A CTA must be effective and compelling. It should bring a sense of urgency in users to act. The placement of CTA buttons should be strategic and easy to spot.

12. Video/Images

A contemporary website must focus on high-resolution images, high-quality videos, graphics, banner images, etc. These form an important part of a website.

Two things should be taken care of when it comes to images and videos. They should not take much time to load. The website should not slow down.

Secondly, they should provide the required information about the company. Videos should have the ability to influence and engage visitors.

13. Social media Links

Almost every progressive company or blogger maintains social media account. It has many unseen benefits.

The website must contain social media links that take the visitor to social media pages. Social media platforms complement the website and provide users with more information about the products, services, and activities from a different perspective.

14. FAQ Page

FAQ Page is usually found on the websites of all the organizations that offer products and services. It contains important information about frequently asked questions.

15. Live Chat/Chatbot

Live Chat and chatbots are two important conversational tools that allow users to communicate with the representatives in real time.

The chat can be real with a representative, or it can be through automated bots (set up through artificial intelligence).

These are some of the important parts of the websites. They all play an important role in providing a good user experience.

Technical aspects of the website

However, there are a few technical aspects involved in building and managing the website. Factors like reliable hosting, easy domain name, and strong SSL help to establish trustworthiness.

Website developers should also give attention to the mobile responsiveness of the website. Almost everyone is using mobile. Mobile responsive design should be compulsorily integrated into the website.

The speed of the website should be optimized to avoid user frustration and abandonment.

The website should be secure and must protect user data. If the user is able to see a little padlock in the address bar, it confirms the website is secure.

A non-secure website’s URL usually begins with “http” in the address bar. A secure website opens with “https” with the ‘’s’’ standing for secure.

A website must be Search Engine optimized. SEO as commonly known is a process of configuring a website to draw maximum traffic from search engine result pages.

Website analytics is another area where traffic and user behavior can be measured to improve performance.

Final words

Organizations that are aiming to achieve their goals and objectives must build and customize the website keeping in mind the interest and engagement of the users.

It must encompass all the important parts of a website. It must be easy to navigate. It should hold the interest of the visitors and prompt them to take action.

An experienced web designing provider has all the necessary tools and skills to help build a comprehensive website.

Whether it’s an enterprise eyeing to provide a superior user experience or an individual looking to build his/her brand, an expert perspective from a web designer can go a long way in realizing the desired outcome.

Published: 27-02-2023

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